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Adam Smith Zitate

WEB 382 Quotes from Adam Smith

The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from...

WEB Adam Smith Zitate und Sprüche

Ein Mensch der sich kein Eigenthum erwerben kann hat kein anderes.

WEB Eine Sammlung von 44 Zitaten des schottischen Moralphilosophen und Ökonomen Adam Smith.

For a wider selection of quotations from Adam Smith see Haggarty J 1976 The Wisdom of Adam Smith Liberty Fund.

WEB People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion but the conversation ends in..

Conclusion: Adam Smith's incisive observations on human nature and economic principles continue to resonate with readers today. His insights into the causes of misery and disorder, the importance of property ownership, and the nature of trade offer timeless lessons for understanding the complexities of human existence and the functioning of society.
